For my final photo project we had complete control and freedom over what we wanted to turn in.
But as we all know, with so much freedom comes so much responsibility....
I decided I must use some of my hundreds of gorgeous and meaningful Cape Town photos in some way- but how?
There are some funny ones, some just straight up gorgeous ones and some powerful ones.
I decided to combine them in a series of collages.
Here they are!
This one you have seen before. I made it when I first learned how to overlap photos and was just playing around, but it turned out so well that I had to use it somehow.
The bottom and background photos used in this one are all from a trip me, Tori, Grace and Lizaby took along the famous Garden route, which goes along the coast the Indian Ocean. The top photo is of Tori's hands during a rusk and tea break during our third homestay with an Afrikaaner family in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Rusks and roobios tea define the Afrikaan people and is a simple and beautiful way to represent our time with them. |
The teal house was my homestay home in Tsabo, the rural village we stayed in in the Eastern Cape. This is meaningful in that this was the home I stayed in and slept in for 6 nights, but mostly this is just a fun, playful image. I had a little bit of a moral dilemma with this one because this homestay was the most challenging for me being that is the most drastically different from anywhere I had ever been before and to display it in such a fun/funny way gave me some guilt, but it is beautiful and the rolling hills of lush, green grass with this bright, teal, round house make a captivating image.
The animals collages all over are from different parts of my trip. The chickens are from the village, but the ostrich, giraffe and elephant are from our safari trip and elephant interaction we went to following this homestay.
The original, background, image in this is from the village homestay as well, and one of my favorite days of the entire trip. Our days in Tsabo were not planned so we all organized a soccer game in one of the many fields and all the students and their homestay siblings came out to play. It was one of the only days it wasn't raining and was a beautiful example of no matter where you come from or what language you speak sports are a universal language that can bond anyone. I of course did not participate, due to my allergy to athleticism, but loved watching and photographing. The boy in the center was an incredible soccer player who I loved photographing and decided he deserved the front and center of this collage.
The cross is from a monument in the village of Soweto, outside of Joberg, where the famous riots took place during apartheid that Mandela was apart of. The monument is a cylinder shaped stone structure with a x or + taken out of the ceiling that allows for this shadow of a cross to be created against the wall when the sun shines in. I distorted the image and cutout the building structure.
You can read into this photo however you want. I like to simplicity, and yes there is some connection the christianity and the strong presence of it I noticed continuously throughout my trip.
This image I made today and is the one I am most proud of.
The background image is of the famous Table Mountain, the backdrop to my entire abroad experience in Cape Town.
The image on the bottom is me and my best friend Tristan holding hands and one of my favorite images of my trip.
The design at the top and "I am an African" quote is a drawing by a student from Rhodes High School in Cape Town. Our program sent us on high school visits and during mine I met this incredible art teacher. She was doing a project on identity and had each student draw their profile and arms and gave them freedom to fill in the rest as they please. This students piece was exceptional and I snapped a quick pic of it that has made my project. If you look closely on the sides you can see the hands and profile in the center-left. |
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